
Did you know your response will define how far you go? I learned recently of 4 types of response:

  • Immediate/ Rapid response
  • Response with passion or childlike response
  • Doubtful response/ response in fear
  • Engaging response

I believe they are self-explanatory. Learn how to respond to every message you receive because they response will determine what happens next no matter the situation be it in your job, your new appointment, your prayer.


Think about different situations you have been in, think of the response you gave and imagine another response and the possible reaction. Understand the message before you respond. Tell me if this is a bluff.



It is quite difficult to understand how a wise person can be selfish with knowledge. There is some excitement in sharing especially because in the process you learn more, everyone grows are you gain more knowledge. Many people die of ignorance, some because they have no access to the knowledge while others have access and are lazy to study it.

Sharing 1

When we were in school intelligent students needed to help the others understand the lesson so we can all move to the next lesson. As we grow older the need for recognition and wealth which is the only way we are ranked as top of the class in society makes us to lose our basic principle of continuous growth – sharing what you know with your neighbour so we all grow together.

The best gift anyone could offer another person is knowledge and if so why do people find it so hard to collaborate and share their knowledge with others? Have we ever seen someone who did not succeed because he shared knowledge?  Is there anyone who became less intelligent because they shared knowledge? The truth is no one can be you and even if you share all you know application of that knowledge will be different.

sharing 2

This selfish attitude and the ignorance of the consequence is a great contribution to what stifles growth in businesses, schools, governance, economies today. People think they can do it on their own instead of sharing with others to attain a better vision and implementation.

Those with knowledge who refuse it use it as a string to manipulate things to their favour (e.g government in many countries) and preach otherwise to their neighbour. But expect their neighbour to love them as much as they love themselves even though they know it cannot be reciprocated. What do we expect? How do we live in such times and expect equality, peace, love, when everyone is so superficial and despise the love for their brother?

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Realize that when you grow in knowledge you will lose consciousness of need. Not because you do not need things but because the seeds you sow by sharing the knowledge you have will definitely grow and you shall reap. Oneness will take away the need and bring forth inheritance for all those who qualified as partakers through knowledge sharing. That is why as a company grows all stakeholders and employees benefit. Trust me, it is no bluff!!!

Training for the future

We all want to succeed but how many of us take our time to train for the future? Yes we all go to school to earn that qualification to land the job but are you trained for that future? When trained you move with direction and will definitely not be a follower because you know where you are headed.

Each person I would say needs training to obtain 3 main things; wisdom, understanding and discipline. This things are what sets us as leaders and brings out our uniqueness which cannot be duplicated.

Type wisdom in google and it is defined as; the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise. This means all that school work just contributes to one aspect of wisdom, knowledge. You will need to acquire experience and good judgement which is why discipline and understanding are needed.

Understanding all that knowledge and how it can be applied to different situations will grant you the good judgement. Discipline is what will help you attain the experience needed, keeping you away from all the distractions that will come, keeping you focused in turbulent times.

Interestingly, you don’t need to do these things at a specific time in life like it has been presented to us (education, work experience, managerial position). This is can be done in our daily activities that is why in school we have home work because they are simultaneously done. You need to learn in class, understand it, go home enhance you understand and be disciplined enough to stick get the home work done in a timely manner.

These are lessons impacted in us as children, what happened then as we grew up? Are you training yourself for a future you can only see through faith or are we just bluffing?

Thanksgiving / Ending the year

In November people copy the American feast of thanksgiving in their different countries, others

spend the month of December in thanksgiving spirit, some the last days of the year. As much as it is

a good idea, what are we thankful for and in what way do we express the thanks? The best thing

about this season is the joy and measure of our growth.

Five orange pumpkins sit in a row in front of a distressed, wooden background.

Thanksgiving is not about what you are going to receive as has become the practice these days with

the gift expectation but it is about what you give. See your gift is an expression of the joy, a token of

the representation of the worth of what we are thankful. So what is the value of your joy? When

thanksgiving is properly done restoration of the blessings and greatness/acknowledgement will be



Thanksgiving is not only about the good things but also about the continuous hope, the challenges

encountered and the triumph over them. See, our challenges are testimony/ measure of our growth.

There was a time Dangote had problems worth hundreds of thousands of naira he could not solve

now, he has grown and he is pulling banks to solve his problem of billions of naira to realize his

project. The challenges, the hope, the resistance, the steadfastness to see ourselves through I think

is what we should be most thankful for.



A man you cannot stop is a man who gives thanks. Think about this as you end the year. What has

your thanksgiving been about, you might need to be more thankful. Remember, the glass is neither

half full nor half empty because it can always be refilled. To what level do you want yours to be

refilled? Show it in your thanksgiving joy which will determine to what level you refill your glass.

Could this be a bluff?

School, Knowledge and grades

Oh! the joy in my heart when I read of Google and Ernst & Young deciding to not focus on grades as part of employment criteria. I have been saying this since about the age of 15 and no one would listen and for the second time in a year, someone has made this point. But this article is going to be a pure rant on the supposed knowledgeable robots Cameroonian school makes of children.


I was a science student in high school and I just could not cram formulas and statements to give back to my teachers exactly the way it was given to me. I think that was the most difficult thing about school. For a point there, I actually regretted not sticking to history where I would just understand and interpret the happenings. But then I realized the problem was not that I did not know how to use the formulas or I did not understand the different names and phrases, I was expected to regurgitate word for word, in exact order, the problem was the regurgitation without understanding. Is the exam a test of the retention of the information provided or is a test of the understanding of the knowledge acquired? And this is the summary of why there a lot of ‘poor teachers’ and ‘poorly performing students’.

A lot of teachers, spend their time feeding student with information they should know, but they forget to tell you why you need to know and how you would will use this in combination with other information to solve a real life issue. I don’t blame them, they have a curriculum they need to finish so this student can have enough information to pass the GCE. Then what after you have 5 As? You go into the world a bright student and not a learned person. How would you feel if just a little more explanation on the applicability of knowledge was taught in each lesson? But then I had a teacher who used to say I cannot teach you everything but I can only give you what will prompt you to go and search for almost everything. His class was one of the most difficult for many, but students always made it through. Today, I appreciate all the research I did even though back then we will be at wits end because we had little or no notes from his class.


I have looked at the Cameroon school curriculum and that of American school based in Cameroon and one thing is clear. Cameroon students learn a lot of unnecessary material for their ages. Did you know primary class 4 pupil studies – Geography, history, health studies, civics, mathematics, English and French? What happened to – nature studies, domestic studies, hand craft, English and arithmetic? What happened to general studies in Class 5? Anyways that’s why primary school children have some big bags almost equal their heights when going to school. Are students encouraged to used their minds and apply this knowledge learned? When did you hear of a school doing science fair, where children apply information learned to everyday happenings?

This all comes down to one thing, is examination the true test of knowledge? If google and Ernst & young are saying NO or NOT ALWAYS, I could not support them any better.Could they be pulling a bluff?

OVAMBA – P2P lending

Ovamba is the first African focus fintech (financial technology), peer-to-peer (p2p) company. Simply means it uses technology to get customer’s financial needs faster than companies which are manual. As fast as 7 days from the date of application. It operates African small and medium enterprise (SME) debt exchange platform. Africa because it is growing faster than world and people will need available money to make more money.


Yes, Cameroon is Africa in miniature and so does Ovamba sees it. It represents French n English Africa, a mix of Muslim and Christian, the Ohada system, port to central Africa therefore, if you make it in Cameroon you definitely can make it anywhere in Africa. Also, one of the co-founders, viola Llewellyn is Cameroonian and what is better than beginning charity at home.

So how does work?

Investors provide loan to Ovamba who provides financial assistance through P2P lending to Cameroon SME and they return with a small premium. Exceptionally low premium of 1-2% per month and getting financial assistance is really simple:

  • Business needs to be registered and pays taxes
  • Have been in business for at least 2 years
  • Existing bank account
  • Owner must be above 21 and have collateral
  • Minimum loan is 5 million CFA
  • However, assistance cannot be provided to businesses in Alcohol, gambling, weapons, timber, primary agriculture, adult entertainment industries


Better still you can know whether you are eligible for assistance by filling in online via the website or download the app from the play store.

app  app 2

And even if you are not eligible for assistance, Ovamba engages in building skills and talent management for companies to reach a potential which they can work with Ovamba. There is no way you can go there and leave empty. Do you think it’s a bluff?

What is happening to our visual and mental ability?

Are we losing productivity to protocol, vision boards; because people don’t visualize n someone must create and present a cosmetic presentation?

OK, have you realized the amount of protocol that exist in companies these days? Listening to Yves Morieux’s TED talk on ‘How too many rules at work keep you from getting things done’, I could not help how it struck me. Wait before I continue the mind process, lets understand protocol referred to here is the social custom, the official procedure, the system of doing things, the rules governing ….. I think that covers it.


They are meant to help us but when too many, they derail you from effectively engaging your intelligence as you have to keep the barriers of protocol up. But how much is enough? How do we know where to stop? Can we remember why we had these procedures in the first place and was it or is it still necessary to have them? I think we need them to guide most people but it should definitely not be the limit of effectiveness rather it should help us harness our inner hunger for effectiveness. This brings me to think about our vision boards.

I believe a lot of people have lost their imaginative power to the dependence on vision boards like power point, posters, etc. How long does it take to put together a power point presentation after all the research is done? Then you have to edit the English, make sure the graphs and pictures are appropriate to please the managers or employees who see it. What happened before power point became so common, what happened when just a few people could use power point? I believe there was a greater use of english and imagination. Albert Einstein said ‘imagination is everything’ and someone else also said ‘those who live in reality suffer from lack of imagination’ I don’t know if you get it but Imagination is the thing you need to be great, in fact greater than anyone imagined, so why will we be losing such precious gift?

Vision-Board   Vs    imagination

What is so wrong with people having different perspectives of the same words? I believe if we all imagined from a verbal description, what we see will be much greater than 1 person’s vision. I think the effect of ‘errors’ (the unwanted imagination) in the past ended up in new ideas and new creation which led to the sophisticated world in which we are.

The problem here is where do we stop using procedures and vision boards and start using our brains to be effective and imagine? But we need these things to ensure everyone is doing ‘the right thing’ and ‘the right way’. I think we can achieve more with fewer (few is also relative) restrictions to our visual and mental ability. Am I bluffing?

RATU INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL – a love story of Cameroon culture

When someone falls in love with a person, you do everything to push them forward, you help them grow, and you cannot help the butterflies in your stomach but what happens when you fall in love with a country, its culture and uniqueness? Ask Mrs. Ratu Erma Olierhoek, an Indonesian and she will tell you, you make them shine, celebrate the love and make everyone see why you fell in love with that country. She and the team are mobilizing to do exactly this with the RATU INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL. 

 Hangout with Ratu (22)

Off course before coming to Cameroon, a couple of years back, she knew the country from the media eyes, mostly negative; the poverty, the fighting in Africa and off course a place which has good qualities which cannot be accessed because Africa is in desperate need of help. But seeing is believing, as a lover of adventure she took up the challenge to come to Africa – Cameroon. She fell in love with the rich Cameroonian heritage obvious in the hospitality, the bilingualism, the diversity, the touristic features and of course as a fashion designer herself; the fabric.

Working in Cameroon off course can be challenging just like anywhere else but coming from a large family, she learned earlier on in life that everyone must forge their path. However, it can be heart breaking to see a lot of people work hard, trying to forge their paths but are suffering from the lack of exposure of their products. Thus, the need for this festival.


The festival is aimed at promoting culture, tourism, also to attract business to Cameroonian products as well as investors. The event focusing on movie, music and fashion is scheduled for the 29-31st of October, 2015 in Douala. Ratu is giving Cameroon’s rare talent and potential a platform to be showcased, one which is so much needed. Her expectation of Cameroonians is obvious as in the example she explained of the runway models:

  • They are expected to represent and showcase their country (the hospitality, the touristic nature, the exceptionality) in their expression.
  • The love for the country and modelling (professionalism) should radiate from within.
  • Showcase Cameroon fashion by presenting the clothing exceptionally.

There is hope that we can begin to change the image and perception of our country, Cameroon from what the media focuses on to what it actually is. To Mrs. Olierhoek, Cameroon is home away from Indonesia and she continues to stay motivated to this course because it comes from her heart and she loves what she does. In fact if there is one thing she said a good number of times during the Camer bloggers hangout was ‘Do it from the heart’. What better way can the youth be encouraged to believe in themselves?


It all sounds so fancy, but this is no bluff, she said it all in these words “I believe you do your best, pray and believe Allah will do the rest’. The resources have been mobilized and it is all coming to reality in less than a month. Check out the website for more information – .

Founding emotional relationships

Let us push-off the bluff button and go down to real talk. Yea! I mean real talk. I want to delve into the sphere of relationships. I have had a couple of chats with people and trust me in recent times none has gotten me to the bone like the one I recently had with my friend and therapist. See, I am advocate for therapeutic relationships, those ones which impact your life and make you a better person. So I really appreciate the lesson.

In reaching for a deeper understanding of relationships, I realized earlier on that a relationship is like a house, how long it lasts and how good it will be erected depends on the foundation. So, whatever you put into your foundation of your relationship is what will determine how far you go. Some of these might sound like a recitation or not applicable but when you start to search deep into your experiences and reasons why you have had the experiences you had, then a lot of understanding draws on. 2 main things I think we all need to focus on is:

  • Things you need to have a relationship, those things which you want in a relationship and
  • There is what you are willing to demand not because you cannot tolerate or afford it but because you will need to use them to empower your partner. Let me break it down.


Before you meet someone have in mind 3 things which you want, not a list of 10 like for which you will settle for 5 or 7. Ask yourself what 3 things do I absolutely need now and will still need when am 80. All you need is 3 things. So when you meet the person its 3 or nothing, worst case scenario its 2.5 with an agreement to work on the lost 0.5. Call it hard limit, too difficult but most of the time when a man meets a woman, he knows exactly what he wants and which road he is about to go down. So women this 3 things will mostly apply to you. If he agrees let him prove himself. Also, you need to know your no go area and have solid reasons why they are no go area. Not some arbitrary ‘no smoking’ because you don’t like the smell instead you might have the health impact as a no go area.

There are things which you have and don’t need from your partner but will have to make your partner give you because it makes your partner feel valued and it empowers them to do more. For example, a woman who earns a lot of money will think she does not need a man to pay a bill or offer her things she has been affording and can afford. But instead make your partner provide some of those things, it makes them feel that they are needed and can still provide. So always make them feel as they are able and should provide what they are naturally supposed to. Those things which you might take for granted are the very things which will make your partner feel like royalty in your presence and worth you.

I know am not living in fairy tale land and I know that it works. So let us construct foundations that will enable long-lasting and enjoyable relationships. No more he/she left me for some flimsy reason. Have this conversation, know where you are headed, before you engage in your relationship

A step to redefining you

So, right now life is in phases. Phases willingly chosen or others you just realize you are in and that’s how you know time passes you by. But there is a phase, I will call it ‘DOWN’ characterized usually by silence, reflection, momentary depression, self-pity and lack of some imagined attention. This phase can either change your destiny (for those who believe in it) or totally derail your course. To be in it is very easy, stay a little more around negativity and let people tell you who you are. The issue really is getting out of it.


All these self-help books will tell you to remember why you were doing what you were doing or how you need to re-motivate yourself. I for one I believe you should stay in that phase long enough, in fact as long as you may require to develop a solution to your problems. It might be a minute, a day, a week, a month but make sure you complete every step of it. This phase is the end of the old you and the beginning of a new you if properly ‘enjoyed’. You will see the true you, see how people really feel about and value you. From here you shall begin to redefine what is important, what is worth your time.


Remember as a kid that day you were beaten for something wrong and you cried the whole day, you came out with a fervent decision to never do it again or not talk to someone for a month, or to become the reserved child or what have you. But one thing remains on coming out you were sure not to go down this path again. If it was so easy as a child, why is it so complicated now as an adult? Why are you letting other things which are not helping you out affect the decision? Why are you according importance to things and people who have not merited it? Rethink and redefine what is important to you. When you are done, sustain the changes and see things work out for good. Call this bluff!!